Being Found At-Fault in a Major Car Accident
A car accident is a difficult and emotional event for any driver to go through. If you are deemed at-fault for the accident, it could become even more unpleasant as you’ll be expected to pay for injuries to and property damage of those who were affected by your actions.
There are many ways that an at-fault driver may be expected to pay the damages that he or she caused. In a no-fault state, the insurance company of each driver pays for their insured’s respective injuries and damages. It’s possible that the insurance company of the driver who is not at fault may sue the insurance company of the driver who was in order to be reimbursed. In a no-fault state, the other driver will not be permitted to sue the at-fault driver for financial damages that he or she experienced as a result of the accident although, if the injuries experienced are serious enough, they may be permitted to sue for non-economic, or punitive, damages.
If you are at-fault for an accident in a fault state, then you are responsible for paying all the damages experienced during the accident. This means that any other parties who were injured or financially damaged by the accident will look to you for reimbursement. However, unless you admit fault, there will likely be one or a series of lawsuits and court cases to both determine fault and establish damages. If you have insurance, then insurance will likely cover some of the damages, depending on the details of your policy.
In both at-fault and no-fault states, accidents can result in higher auto insurance premiums or even dropped policies. If you are involved in an accident, whether you believe yourself to be at fault or not, it’s a good idea to get the police involved so that witness and other driver statements can be taken and official observations can be recorded.
For more information about automobile insurance, give Breathe Easy Insurance a call at 866.822.7755