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Auto Insurance Information
Breathe Easy understands the state’s minimum insurance requirements in order to operate a legal vehicle.
Every driver is required to obtain Liability Coverage. Liability car insurance protects you against the cost of damage and injury that you might cause to another in an automobile accident. Although keeping up with the state minimum requirements are all that is needed to keep one legal in their state for car insurance, in some cases purchasing only the state minimum insurance requirements is not the best choice.
Collision Coverage is not a requirement but will help protect your vehicle after an accident. Collision insurance coverage pays for damage caused to your vehicle in an automobile accident, when you are "at fault". A standard collision automobile insurance policy will pay for any repairs up to the fair market value of your car.
Comprehensive Coverage is great to help protect you against loss of damages to your vehicle outside of an accident. If you have a valuable vehicle or feel your vehicle is threatened by damage on a regular occasion, this form of coverage is ideal. Comprehensive is very similar to collision insurance, the main difference being that comprehensive covers damage caused to your vehicle by any unknown party or "act of God". Vandalism, flood, hurricane, theft, and fire are all events usually covered by comprehensive automobile insurance.
Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist Coverage protects the driver and passenger of a motorcycle damaged by an at fault driver that is uninsured or underinsured. Underinsured motorist coverage provides additional coverage on top of the injured parties' liability coverage in the event the injuries cost exceeds their limit of coverage and the limit for the underinsured motorist coverage is higher than their bodily injury liability limit.