4 Quick Tips: How to Avoid Insurance Claims During the Holidays
The holidays are one of the busiest times of the year for many people, and a time of celebration as we gather with friends and family. The increase in holiday parties and festivities, colder weather, and traffic conditions can also lead to an increase in insurance claims. In order to keep this holiday season claim-free, we have some quick tips on how to avoid them.
4 Tips to Help Avoid Insurance Claims
#1) Double Check Your Car
You should be especially careful of car break-ins during the weeks leading up to the holiday; one of the most popular spots are mall parking lots. Many people leave gifts in their cars, making it a prime target for thieves. Make sure you lock your car and take any valuables with you. Always check twice before walking away.
#2) Don’t Text and Drive
To ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road, don’t text and drive. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Put the phone down while driving to your Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner – sending that turkey emoji can wait!
#3) Stay Awake Behind the Wheel
Busy holiday schedules can lead to an increase in fatigue. Before driving to that family gathering, plan ahead and give yourself plenty of time to arrive, and if you experience any signs of drowsiness while driving, pull over and take a nap.
#4) Keep Your Chimney Clean
Who doesn’t love cuddling by the fire during the colder holiday months? We are all love comfort, but practicing good measures of fire safety can help you stay safe during this time of year. It’s important to make sure your chimney is clean and your holiday decor is located far away from your fireplace. And don’t forget to unplug Christmas lights and blow out candles when you leave your home as well.
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